Charity Partner
  • Charity Partner

Our Charity Partner - Cancer Care West

Our charity partner for the Frances Thornton Memorial Galway Bay swim is Cancer Care West. Our swimmers have raised over €100,000 each year bringing the total raised to date to over €1000,000. In that period the charity has launched several new services from Galway to Donegal. Expressing his appreciation to all the swimmers David O’Donnell of Cancer Care West said, “We are hugely grateful for the support and interest showed by all the swimmers in the work we do here at Cancer Care West”. The charity uses these funds to help meet the costs of residential and cancer support services, which are provided free of charge to cancer patients and their families. Find out more by visiting the website:


Swimmers raise funds through sponsorship as part of their bay swim participation. We supply a fundraising pack and online fundraising support to those swimmers and relay teams that register for the swim. As a charity swim event, we ask that each swimmer raise a minimum of €500 and relay teams a minimum of €1000.  If you would like assistance in getting your fundraising started, please get in contact with David by emailing or phone 091-545000 for further information.

In previous years, many swimmers set up their own fundraising webpage using websites such as They then sent their fundraising webpage link to their friends and colleagues informing them of their planned Galway bay swim.

The demand for Cancer Care West’s services is always increasing and therefore all fundraising support and donations are very much appreciated. Help us to continue to support Cancer Care West and the services they provide to cancer patients and their families throughout the West of Ireland.

Thank You!

Frances Thornton Memorial Galway Bay swim committee

Contact Cancer Care West:

Address: Inis Aoibhinn Residence, University Hospital Galway, Galway.

Telephone: 091-545000
